Thursday, October 01, 2009

On Liberty

"Liberty, Sancho, my friend, is one of the most precious gifts that Heaven has bestowed on mankind; all the treasures the earth contains within its bosom or the ocean within its depths cannot be compared with it. For liberty, as well as for honor, man ought to risk even his life, and he should reckon captivity the greatest evil life can bring."
Don Quixote de La Mancha

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

5642 meters -- Mt. Elbrus from the Baksan Valley

Nothing like celebrating a nice cold 5642!?!

Yep, that's the name of the beer, celebrating the height of the tallest mountain in Europe, Mt. Elbrus, lying just north of the main Caucasus ridge, towering above the plains to its north in the fertile region tucked between the Black and Caspian Seas.

Without sounding too glorious, weather kept us from the top on this same morning. It was bitterly cold, with high winds that drain the energy from you like sap from a tree.

As you can see it only dampened our spirits until beer could brighten it back up again.

From Russia with Love

From the bridge over the Moscow River looking north towards Red Square, one can catch a glimpse of the splendor of the Medieval Russian Empire lasting through the ages.
St. Basil's Cathedral on the right
Kremlin Clock Tower to the left
The 'Gum' just in the center.

Cardinals Stadium -- St. Louis, MO

Love the smell of the fresh cut grass with wide open spaces.